Gossip Chair

$ 4,100.00


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New York Blue Linen

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almond welt

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Don’t see the color you’re looking for? Our team can handle anything.(203) 216 9848

COM Requirements:

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Dimensions: 44W x 25D x 31H

COM: 13 yards

Although we never do it . . . our Gossip Chair is built especially for that conversation better kept amongst friends. oomph's unique back-to-back seated design is a great conversation piece in itself. A one of a kind design, the Gossip Chair is fantastic in front of the fire or to divide seating areas -- but its casters let it glide throughout the room with ease. We offer the Gossip Chair in our fine linen collection, however, we can accommodate your fabrics as well. So throw your arm over the back, lean in, and join the conversation.

***Back pillows NOT included.

Made in America.